I-SKY GREEN provides water purification solutions for civil, military, and high-end users.

As an innovative company and global leader in its field, we invest in state-of-the-art technological processes and follows world leading standards of water purification solutions.

Cutting-edge technologies enable the economic solution of wastewater and highly contaminated water, preserving this important resource.

I-SKY GREEN offers advanced technologies to treat any kind of water.

Treated water exceeds the required purity of regulated standards.

We have expertise in providing high technology solutions for emergency government response teams and the military.

The technologies we offer cover the spectrum of the wastewater treatment applications.

I-SKY GREENa��s experienced team is constantly updating the technologies we offer and operates all over the world.


I-SKY GREEN is a leading supplier of light tactical water purification systems.

Our products and services include:

  • Portable water purification and filtration systems
  • Water storage and distribution equipment
  • Parts – service and training


These systems specifically address military field applications, potable water for disasters, emergency water supply, and NBC decontamination.

Our purification systems demonstrate superiority in simplicity of design, operation, and low maintenance requirements.

They are designed for rapid response, remote locations, and expeditionary teams.

The systems are portable, scalable, modular, and can be used in stand-alone applications or in combination with other systems.

No other water purification system offers the flexibility and adaptability needed to meet a dynamic field environment.

Suggested Water Recycling Treatment and Uses
Increasing Levels of Treatment;
Increasing Acceptable Levels of Human Exposure

Primary Treatment:

Secondary Treatment:
Biological Oxidation, Disinfection

Tertiary / Advanced Treatment:
Chemical Coagulation, Filtration, Disinfection
  • No uses Recommended at this level
  • Surface irrigation of orchards and vineyards
  • Non-food crop irrigation
  • Restricted landscape impoundments
  • Groundwater recharge of non potable aquifer **
  • Wetlands, wildlife habitat, stream augmentation**
  • Industrial cooling processes**
  • Landscape and golf course irrigation
  • Toilet flushing
  • Vehicle washing
  • Food crop irrigation
  • Unrestricted recreational impoundment
  • Indirect potable reuse: Groundwater recharge of potable aquifer and surface water reservoir augmentation**
** Recommended level of treatment is site-specific.